Soroban Abacus and Mind Math
Brain development programme of Memory Abacus Lab which is suitable for children of the age group of 6 to 12.

Abacus Introduction
Soroban Abacus and Anzan
Soroban Abacus is the name of the Japanese abacus, used for 450 years. When used by an expert, the soroban is capable of difficult calculations, but at a more basic level it can also be a useful tool in general mathematics education. It enables figures to be represented in a concrete visual way, which can help students’ grasp of numbers, particularly in understanding place value, doing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
The Japanese Soroban Abacus is a device to which helps students develop fast mental math skills. An abacus device, also called a Counting Frame, is a simple device for calculating, consisting of a frame with rods along which beads are slid to calculate mathematical problems.
This program comprises of two parts namely:
- Abacus calculation using abacus tool, and
- Mind Math or Anzan by visualizing abacus in head
Abacus calculation is the method of computation using the Abacus. Abacus calculation is a Skill. A child goes through the following phases to master the abacus.
- Cognitive Phase
- Acceptance Phase
- Practice Phase
- Proficiency Phase
- Autonomous Phase
- Expression Phase
Mind Math or Anzan is the abacus system of mental calculation where children mentally visualize an abacus to do calculations. No physical abacus is used; only the answers are written down. Calculations can be made at great speed in this way.
As they learn, students will be taught Anzan or mind math calculations. They are encouraged to incorporate mind math method along with the regular abacus method. While using mind math, a child will visualize the abacus and only make finger movements without using actual abacus. Children first read a number and set it on their mind abacus. While visualizing and remembering it there, they have to focus on the next number, take it to their mind abacus and perform the operation (add, subtract, multiply, or divide) as per the command on their paper. Then they have to hold this new intermediate answer in their mind while they read the next number and follow the necessary operation once more. Exercises will be given in class and homework practice to be done using mind math method. Logic and calculation are left brain functions and visualizing is a right brain function. Thus, by learning to use soroban children are able to stimulate their entire brain while perfecting their mind math skills.
Why Learn Abacus?
Our Abacus programme is highly beneficial to all children since this programme helps the children in enhancing the learning ability, photographic memory, increasing speed, attaining accuracy, proficiency in all subjects and improved confidence and self-esteem. In today’s fast paced world, it is essential for your children to move with the same efficiency as the rest of the world. We need to mould our future generations to face the world with great confidence and persistence. Memory Abacus Lab aims at doing this through a program which develops your child’s confidence, capabilities, mental and cognitive strength and memory.
Advantages of Learning Abacus
Better reflexes
Sharpens memory
Increases writing speed
Improved listening skills
Clearer logic and reasoning
Stronger attention and focus
Better problem-solving skills
Stronger mental formation skills
Improved confidence and self-esteem
Improved comprehension in mathematics
Faster and more accurate calculation skills
Enhanced management of stress and pressure